Sage Grouse There is now a 9-day season in certain hunt units in Elko County (062, 064, 067, 071-076, 101 and 102) and in Eureka, Lander and Nye Counties (161, 162, 172 and 173), with a daily limit of 2 and possession limit of 2. The Wildlife Commission has approved a two-day season for hunt units 012 and 013 in western Nevada and hunt units 031 and 051 in north central Nevada, with a daily and possession limit of 2 sage-grouse. These units, or groups of units, have sage-grouse populations estimated to exceed 1,000 birds and where harvest was estimated to be 5% or less of the estimated fall population. There will be no special sage-grouse season for the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge this year. Wild Turkey Spring Limited Entry Hunt Unit 101 in Elko County will be closed to hunting this year due to low turkey populations. There was public and CAB comment regarding the current turkey seasons needing to be addressed.
Swan Swan permit numbers have increased from 650 to 750.
The Commission elected Commissioner Shane Rogers as the new Chairman and Commissioner Paul Young as the new Vice Chairman. NBU would like to thank Commissioner Tommy Caviglia for his term as Chairman.
The August meeting had a light agenda with two main topics worth discussing. The first is an additional amendment to the big game release plan which now includes 40 California Bighorns that will be translocated from Oregon to Nevada’s Calico Mountain area. This plan was approved. The second item worth noting was the continued topic regarding e-tags. Clafification language has been added since the May Commission meeting describing how a tag holder would input harvest data to receive a validation code that would need to be attached to the animal. There was discussion amongst the Commission around options of attaching the validation code and how that would work. There were specific questions as to how Montana operates their e-tag program and if they have had any issues. NDOW is going to come back to the Commission at a future date with more information and options on how to affix a validation code to the animal.
The next meeting is on September 27-28 in Las Vegas.
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